Year end sale! 20% off and free shipping!
 This is your chance to get our most popular books and CD sets at 20% off until the middle of February. Take advantage of these great buys and present yourself or your friends with encouragement you might need to keep going strong for the rest of the home school year.
This special price includes shipping!
You can set your children free to become the individuals God created them to be. The books I SAW THE ANGEL IN THE MARBLE and I CARVED THE ANGEL FROM THE MARBLE will explain how. These books have been called, “the cream of the crop” of homeschooling books, “a tremendous blessing for me and my whole family,” “a must read,” “the best advice for schooling and parenting,” “the 1st book that any new home school mom/dad should read," and ”a breath of fresh air.” Now both books are available at 20% off the regular retail price.
 I SAW THE ANGEL IN THE MARBLE is also available as a set of 6 CDs read by one of its authors, Chris Davis, a popular speaker at homeschooling events. Chris also adds some extra material that is not in the original book. You can listen to an excerpt from the audio book at this link. CLICK HERE to get your ANGEL AUDIOBOOK now!
As a bonus, we are also having a sale on the books' companion CD set TURNING HEARTS: 8 ESSENTIAL HOME SCHOOLING SEMINARS as well as our other two popular seminar sets: BUILDING THE HOME SCHOOL OF YOUR DREAMS and BUILDING THE HOME BUSINESS OF YOUR DREAMS.

Papa's Boyhood Winters
by Ellyn Davis
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My father died several years ago. He was 87. Papa was a great story teller and before he died, he would share stories of his boyhood winters in Blakely, Georgia.
In fact, his life began with a "winter story." It was icy the day he was born and the doctor was delayed by the bad weather. My grandmother grew more and more frantic as her labor became more and more intense. This was before the days of babies being born in hospitals, so she was at home delivering the baby in her own bed. When the doctor finally arrived, he hurried up the steps and slipped on the ice, nearly knocking himself out.
But everything went well. The doctor came out fine and so did Papa.
My grandfather farmed around 1500 acres in Early County, Georgia, so my father and his four brothers did their fair share of the work. As farmers, spring, summer and fall were the “working” seasons when the family’s effort went into preparing a good harvest. But winter was an important season too.
Winter was a time for reflecting over the past year, thinking through what you did right or could have done better. It was a time of planning, of marshalling resources to be used in the next season of growth. It was a time of sharpening tools and fixing machinery, of undertaking special projects. And…winter was a time of having fun. There were harvest festivals, taffy pulls, holiday celebrations, visits with relatives, family sing-a-longs, church socials, favorite books to read, and hobbies to pursue.
In the spirit of Papa’s boyhood winters, we suggest that winter can be a special time for home schoolers.
Usually, by January the school routine has been worked out, but spiritual vision may be waning, the children growing restless. Mom and Dad may need to reevaluate, to “sharpen their tools” and “repair their machinery” mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They may need to strengthen family ties, to make readjustments in the direction they have chosen, or…just have fun.
When we thought through what might be helpful to home schoolers in winter, we came up with the following ideas:
Winter is a time to deepen spiritual roots. For people as well as trees, winter is a time to put down deeper roots—roots that will support spring and summer growth.
Winter is a time to renew our vision. The energy of the vision we started with at the beginning of the school year may be waning and we may need encouragement to continue in the good work that we started.
Winter is a time to strengthen family ties. This time is especially good for creating meaningful family times because the weather often keeps everyone indoors.
Winter is a time for special projects. Cold winter days inside are ideal for special hobbies and projects.
Winter is a time to reevaluate, to make sure nothing is “falling through the cracks” academically.
Winter is a time for quality family reading.
Winter is a time to have fun!
We will devote the next several issues of the newsletter to celebrating Papa's Boyhood Winters, beginning with an issue about "Homeschool Burnout" next week.
Around midwinter, many of us begin asking ourselves, “Why are we doing this?” We might have been discouraged by relatives during the holidays; disheartened by the Christmas projects, plays, and activities available to children at the local schools and unavailable to our own; or drained by the constant demands on our time and energy home schooling requires. We may need a good healthy dose of encouragement—someone to say, “You’re on the right track! You’re doing the right thing! This conviction in your heart is really from God! Your kids will turn out fine!”
For whatever reason, winter is a good time to reaffirm the fact that “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.”
If you've found your vision waning and your need for encouragement reaching a peak, read these books. Once you do, you'll realize that you're on the right track after all.
I Saw the Angel in the Marble
I Carved the Angel From the Marble
For the Children’s Sake
Homeschooling for Excellence
Dumbing Us Down
Learning All the Time
Guerilla Learning
If You Want Your to Be Rich and Happy, Don’t Go to School

FREE e-book: A Strong Enough Why
In the twenty-plus years I’ve homeschooled, I’ve spoken with thousands of other homeschooling parents and I’ve discovered that most problems with home schooling tend to occur because parents get hung up over the HOWs of home schooling. And the reason is, they don’t have a strong enough WHY.
In Christian jargon, we might call the WHY a conviction and we could say that their home schooling efforts became a struggle because their conviction about home school ing was unclear or wavering.
Let’s be realistic. Home schooling is not for everyone. Home schooling is a massive but wonderful full-time commitment, primarily for Mom. Done well, it requires a total reorientation of your life, not just four or five hours of your day.
This e-book will help you create a strong enough WHY about home schooling to propel you through any problems of HOW. You can read it HERE.
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